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Build Grip Strength
Click Here For Grip Strength Training Secrets There is no doubt about it that you can build your grip strength. Although the strength and the development of your grip strength are a complicated process as it involves many different muscles in your hand and forearms. In order to get the best results on building the strength in your grip it would be wise to get a bit of knowledge of the complex muscles involved involved in a grip.
The key to getting good results in developing your grip strength is variation because of the very complex set of connections and array of different connective tissues involved with your gripping strength. What this means is that you need to make sure that you are always using and creating new techniques to stress your hand grip.
These movements or exercises can all be broken into three main categories. They are leverage, supportive and pinching exercises. The leverage are obviously the things like weight training which if you are doing on a regular basis will always be increasing your grip strength as you get stronger.
However there are some great and innovative ways to add to this leverage that you are currently doing in your daily weight training schedule. An example would be holding a sledgehammer in your hand with your arm hanging at your side, elbow locked.
You then lift the sledgehammer up using your wrist, keeping arm straight. You can do this holding it to the front and to the back to target different muscles. Depending on your strength level you would hold the handle at the point that would let you lift it (closer to end of handle would be more difficult).
But this is only one example of the many different ways that you can create to stress your grip and increase the power of your gripping strength. When training with weights you should be aware of where you are failing and if it is your hands that are failing first then you need to spend some time on your grip strength training.
The second definition of strength grip training is supportive exercises like the farmers walk or the hanging on a chinning bar. The farmers walk is self-explanatory as you lift very heavy dumbbells and carry them around the gym or stand holding them for as long as you can.
The third and final definition is the pinch grip which is not only developing the strength in your fingers but also the strength in you grip generally. Medical research now uses what they call a pinch gauge to measure the power of your pinch as it is directly related to the power of your grip.
Again there are countless variations of this exercise which can be done by simply holding a weight or plate used to stack a squatting rack. You simply hold or pinch the weight between your thumb and fingers and hold onto it for as long as you can.
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